I needed to see what queries are sent to the server in my MongoEngine application.
I made one logger here:
https://github.com/warvariuc/python-mongo-logger based on
Recently I improved the solution, but did not commit to the repo, because I put this code directly into the project instead of having git+git://github.com/warvariuc/python-mongo-logger
in requirements.pip file:
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals, division
import logging
import time
import traceback
import inspect
from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient
from bson import json_util
logger = logging.getLogger('mongologger')
def activate(until_modules=('pymongo', 'mongoengine'), stack_size=3):
"""Activate Mongo-Logger.
until_modules (list): list of top level module names until which the stack should be shown;
pass an empty sequence to show the whole stack
stack_size (int): how many frames before any of `modules` was entered to show; pass
-1 to show the whole stack or 0 to show no stack
# monkey-patch methods to record messages
MongoClient._send_message_with_response = _instrument(
MongoClient._send_message_with_response, until_modules, stack_size)
return logger
def _instrument(original_method, until_modules, stack_size):
"""Monkey-patch the given pymongo function which sends queries to MongoDB.
def _send_message_with_response(client, operation, read_preference=None,
exhaust=False, address=None):
start_time = time.time()
result = original_method(client, operation, read_preference=None,
exhaust=False, address=None)
duration = time.time() - start_time
stack = ('\n' + ''.join(get_stack(until_modules, stack_size))).rstrip()
logger.info('%.3f %s %s %s%s', duration, operation.name, operation.ns,
json_util.dumps(operation.spec, ensure_ascii=False), stack)
except Exception as exc:
logger.info('%.3f *** Failed to log the query *** %s', duration, exc)
return result
return _send_message_with_response
def get_stack(until_modules, stack_size):
if not stack_size:
return []
frames = inspect.stack()[2:]
frame_index = None
for i, (frame, _, _, _, _, _) in enumerate(frames):
module_name, _, _ = frame.f_globals['__name__'].partition('.')
if module_name in until_modules:
frame_index = i
elif frame_index is not None:
# found first frame before the needed module frame was entered
if frame_index is not None:
del frames[:frame_index + 1]
if stack_size >= 0:
del frames[stack_size:]
stack = [(filename, lineno, name, lines[0])
for frame, filename, lineno, name, lines, _ in frames]
return traceback.format_list(stack)
You activate the logger in the logging configuration like this:
import mongologger
LOGGING['loggers'][mongologger.activate(stack_size=0).name] = {
'level': 'INFO',
'handlers': ['stdout'],
'propagate': False,
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